Covid-19 Protocols

Looking at the future of
The Executive Zone

As a workspace provider, we believe in being in front of this situation by putting people first and committing to new procedures that empower and support everyone. Moving forward our workspaces may change slightly, but our focus will remain the same, on the service and support of our community. Our planned actions will encourage social distancing, employ higher levels of sanitization, and improve the overall safety of our building users.

TEZ Workspace in Chennai 4
TEZ Covid-Safe Workspace

We’ve introduced some changes

From temperature scanners to frequently sanitizing workstations, we have invested in our staff and community member’s wellbeing to create a safe workspace for everyone

What the future looks like

We will come together by staying apart

TEZ Safety First Approach

Safety first

Customised safety solutions for all locations, ensuring highest efficiencies and highest safer working environment.

TEZ Virtual Events 1

Virtual events

Until we can gather at our locations, we will continue to host a full calendar of virtual events supporting our community

TEZ Community Support 1

Community support

We continue to ensure buildings remain open and safe, as we support our community remotely, with a phased return on-site.

TEZ Evolving Care

Evolving care

Revised house rules, new protocols and safety measures, while we keep our community updated as developments progress.

How we ensure your safety


A Queuing system will be at building arrival to encourage safe social distancing while entering all locations, after which one would pass through a scanner to gain access to the workspace.


Hand sanitisers will be placed at entrances and on walls throughout buildings, located near bathrooms and main communal spaces with signage to encourage usage.


Thermal camera systems are designed to detect elevated skin-surface temperature. Everyone must pass through these cameras in order to gain access to their workspace.


Increased frequency of cleaning and sanitisation across our buildings including regular cleaning checklists to be completed by onsite teams.


Fixed signage and floor markings to encouraging social distancing, safe use of spaces, one way systems and hygiene care.


Mounted screens on reception desks to protect staff and guests.


These disposable workspace protectors are provided complimentary, in all locations for use by members, guests and staff in meeting rooms and workspaces, protecting workspace surfaces and therefore, users. These must be disposed of (recycled) at the end of each day.


Where possible, foot push plates on doors to reduce contact with additional contact free door openers provided for all staff and members.


We will be increasing the fresh air supply and extract in buildings, where possible. This will be accompanied by increased maintenance to ensure maximum output at all times.


Provided for all members and staff, containing a reusable face covering, personal hand sanitiser, disposable gloves and contact free door opener. Contact free door openers are suitable contact free use of elevators, door handles, keypads, and bank machines.


These will be optional, made available for visitors to buildings.


Meeting rooms will be adjusted to ensure social distancing and safety, reducing capacity and adapting layouts accordingly.


Lounges, break out and communal spaces will be reconfigured to allow for safe capacity levels and social distancing protocols.

TEZ Covid Plans

Ever-evolving plans

These actions are an investment in our staff and members’ well-being and support our efforts to create a safe workspace for everyone. As the current situation is ever-evolving, we will adapt any procedures or systems, as required. Now more than ever, ensuring the health and safety of staff and clients come first. We know that proper controls and procedures can reduce and prevent the spread of the virus. It is through compassion and consideration for one and other that we can foster a healthier workspace for our community.

Book a Virtual Tour

Our team are fully equipped to provide you with a virtual tour of our office space. Get in touch to arrange your tour.